Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tabloidization of the media


Clinton and Lewinsky, Lady Diana and Paris Hilton, these are the people that strike a cord when you think of the term ‘tabloidization’. The factual meaning of the word tabloid however refers to a particular size used by newspapers (23.5 by 14.75 inches) – a layout that is largely used in the United Kingdom. The predominant use of this size has thus led literally, to the ‘tabloidization’ of the British media. However to define tabloidization essentially would mean to define the radical change that the mass media - print, broadcast or web, have gone through in the last couple of years.

According to Colin Sparks “The tabloid is a form marked by two major features: it devotes relatively little attention to politics, economics and society and relatively much to diversions like sports, scandal and popular entertainment.” This penchant of the media is of great consequence to the practice of journalism and it is extremely crucial to identify the story behind it. This essay hopes to detect the fashion in which the tabloids function, the historical background to the phenomenon, the reasons behind its existence, the effect it has on the serious media and society in general and lastly its significance to the intent of journalism.

The historical aspect

“It seems regrettably to be the case that it is both true to say that there have long been tabloid media and true to say that the world has never seen anything like what we observe today” (Sparks, 2000 p.18).

The origin of the first tabloids in Britain can be traced back to the 1st decade of the 20th century. In the United States and other parts of Europe, it was only from the late 30s and the post world war II era that the tabloids emerged. Hammersmith and Rothermere (The Daily Mail, Daily Mirror) are considered to be pioneers of the tabloid in Britain, in the early days. Bartholomew (30s), Hugh Cudlipp (50s-60s) and Murdoch (The Sun – Tabloid with the highest circulation in Britain today) carried the trend forward. In developing countries like India, China and Taiwan, the tabloid movement is seen to be growing rapidly in the past 20 years.

Thus although tabloidization is not a topical phenomenon, “Since the 1980s the frontier between qualities and popular papers has virtually disappeared”. (Sampson, 1996 p.44). The drift of the quality outlets categorically seems to be toward the tabloid. Thus although tabloids existed in the past along side qualities, it is only in recent times that we are able to notice the blurring gaps between serious media and tabloids.

‘Tabloidization’ – Characteristic features of tabloids

Tabloids have an exceptionally strong quality about them. They are loud and brash, use sensationalism as a tool, and give prominence to anything that arouses public interest. “Their journalism covers the realm of fantastic and sometimes the crazily invented and their consumers know and accommodate this in their reading strategies” (Garbner, 1992, p. 111-112). Sex, scandal, crime, celebrity, sport, nightlife, fantasy and space attacks, horror, gore and a probe into the personal lives of people are the frequent areas under discourse in the tabloids.

Photographs and posters are extensively used through out the papers and in a very down market tabloid like The Sun, a few lines of reporting text are just fillers. “Many tabloid papers carry a poster picture of a semi nude girl on page 3 or 5 and crime and sex stories occupy most of the general news pages.” (Garbner, 1992, p.112) This although does not mean that tabloids do not carry political news and current affairs. According to Garbner, politics and business news is reported, although the tone used is ‘highly personalized’ and the commentators are greatly opinionated. Thus there is no scope for objectivity and analytical coverage of news, and most often than not, it is about taking sides.

The tabloids also have a propensity to juxtapose fantasy and reality to arouse the interest and trust of their audience. There have been instances in the past where off the wall reports about alien mass attacks having jolted the proceedings of the parliament, have hit the headlines. In fact The Sun carried a front-page picture of an extraterrestrial shaking hand with former president of the United States, Bill Clinton.

The tabloid rationale: Reasons, Effects and Consequences

On the surface, tabloidization is not a complex phenomenon. It is merely a transition of the media from being driven by a public welfare agenda to being driven by market forces. But if one is to probe deeper into the study of this phenomenon then it is important to understand the reasons – socio-economic and political, behind the growth of this trend.

Tabloidization has been given many synonyms – Yellow press, gutter news, red top, rag sheet, junk food news etc. All have derogatory connotations. This is primarily because of the fact that important issues of citizen concern have taken a backseat, with entertainment, scandal, crime and lifestyle holding the glare of publicity. This has undeniably affected the quality of the mass media and its relationship with politics and current affairs. So what are the reasons of the tabloidization of media? Is it a recent phenomenon? And what are its consequences – How does it affect the structure and the role of the media as a public service organisation?

Reasons – It has been very difficult for writers and experts to concretely point out what motivates media organizations into turning tabloid, but following are some apparent roots that we can assume –

· Catherine Lumby says – ‘tabloid news shows and afternoon chat shows such as Oprah and Ricki Lane are markers of an expansion in the range of issues and voices becoming audible through the media.’ She further goes on to say that ‘by juxtaposing the usual serious news with the tabloid’ private and public spheres are spontaneously connected. This clearly notes the shift in people’s outlook towards the media – they want it to be more personalized, more interactive. There is a declining audience for the traditional news agenda.

· The rise of tabloidization is most commonly attributed to the ‘corporatization’ of media and to the rise of capitalism. This has lead to the marketing and ‘shaping of news’ to cater to the tastes of audiences and advertisers. Revenue maximization is the ultimate aim of any corporate business, thus leading to a populist agenda.

· Increasing competition and proliferation of media outlets. What one follows, another follows suit, to stay in the competition. Tabloidization is a trend that is bound to crop up in a competitive industry, especially in a free market.

· As far as newspapers are concerned, declining circulation, especially in the western world, has given way to the press adopting the tabloid agenda. “In rough terms, people in 1964 were prepared to pay four times as much money for newspapers that had only a quarter of the content. In terms of value for money today, papers are sixteen times more valuable, but only have the same number of customers” (Horrie, 2003 p.232). He further adds that the tabloid industry has begun giving away free copies to stay put (The London Lite), and suspects that it won’t be long when young people will start turning their backs even on the tabloids.

· And lastly but most importantly, technology. The internet bump up poses a serious threat to print and broadcasting industries, which use the ‘tabloid strategy’ to keep up in the rat race.
These apart, many researchers feel that reading is getting tougher and tougher for young people, as many of them have lost the habit of reading daily due to other mediums of communication. And to read the quality papers there needs to be significant basic as well as analytical knowledge of news.

The tabloid effect – Tabloidsm as we may call it is alleged to change the whole structure of the media environment. One of the biggest threats that tabloidization poses to the media industry is that it is blurring the gap between quality journalism and tabloid news. Secondly the tabloid press is a ‘crisis of democracy’ as it does not perform the primary function of journalism, i.e. – ‘to inform the people concerning the major issues of public interest’ (Raboy and Degenais, 1992 p. 44). The obvious consequences of tabloidization can be seen in the fact that there is a shift in the priorities with regards to time-slots. In terms of TV, prime time is no more dominated by current affairs and politics, but is rather a spectacle of an assortment of news features, with the above mentioned being just ones among others.

Another change that is very apparent is the lack of coverage of foreign news, of investigation and information that may not be of ‘interest to people, but of public interest’. The tabloids have as a consequence led to the trivialization of the media by catering to just the choices or likes of people and not their welfare.

Tabloid justifications

Although much hoopla is made about the whole tabloid issue, there is a point of view among experts that defends the tabloids.

- According to Joshua Gamson (Freaks talk back) tabloids and talk shows are good as they present different lifestyles and cultures which in the long run contribute to human integration and tolerance of other cultures.

- John Fiske about the supermarket tabloids – “such superstitious knowledge offers an alternative reality to the official one and carries utopian-ized fantasies of emancipation from the constraints of poverty and conceived social failure.”

- Helen Hughes exudes tremendous optimism and stresses the fact that newspapers which are an omnibus of variety introduce the masses to social happenings and perform a democratic function in the society, however indirect it may be.

Thus the tabloids have got its share of defenders who mainly stress on the fact that it is news that is of interest to the people and thus popular and hence it is inevitable. I personally feel that hard news is a product that is very difficult to digest and also very impersonal and thus does not interest many people, as they cannot relate to it. This is one of the main reasons why people choose tabloids. They are more reader friendly and do impart information, although it may be a bit over the top.

Is tabloidization an important issue for journalism?

The Miriam-Webster online dictionary offers two definitions of journalism -

‘Writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation’

‘Writing designed to appeal to current popular taste or public interest.’

According to the Wikipedia encyclopaedia –

‘Journalism is a discipline of collecting, analyzing, verifying, and presenting news regarding current events, trends, issues and people.’

The oxford dictionary defines news as –

‘Newly received or noteworthy information about recent events.’

None of these definitions stress on the fact that news or journalism is only about politics, economy, business or issues of public interest. In fact the 2nd definition given by Webster online makes it loud and clear that journalistic writing is that which appeals to current popular taste OR public interest. So essentially media organizations have a right to choose the audience they want to cater to. If most of them choose to cater to popular taste they could do so, without having violated the boundaries of journalism.

It is however important to note that the factors that have been markedly stressed in the above given definitions are - presentation of FACTS, analysis, verification of news and NON interpretation of events. These are exactly the issues that tabloids don’t seem to follow closely or obey, which makes it an important issue for the practice of journalism.

Tabloids are often accused of sensationalizing news and blowing things out of proportion. Many a time facts are not verified before being published or broadcast and objective analysis and unbiased interpretation of news is seldom offered. This is totally contrary to the primary function of journalism whereby the journalist seeks to report the truth and not some story modified to suit the taste of consumers and advertisers.

I believe that the phenomenon of tabloidization has more to it than the news agenda (scandal, crime, celebrity and entertainment, sport etc) it adopts. It simply doesn’t stop at that. It is important to reconstruct the definition and make it inclusive, so as to understand the menace that it has become in today’s context. Tabloidization today is more than just celebrity and scandal. Modern media have created a profound mess by putting it together with politics and public affairs in order to sell themselves harder. The agenda today is more than monitory vested interests. It is about brainwashing, propaganda, about taking sides, ‘about a new pattern of serial obsessions that periodically take over the airwaves for weeks at a time’ as rightly put by Al Gore in his speech at the We Media Conference in New York, 2005. Tabloids today are dangerously moving towards a political orb, representing certain people, unseeing others, which threatens to make modern media a completely dysfunctional tool of public discourse.
Media organizations today haven’t simply crossed the boundaries of journalism, but are miles ahead of their confines. If this is how things are going to take shape it wouldn’t be exaggerative to assume that tabloidization is indeed ‘a threat to democracy’.


‘Tickle the public, make `em grin,
The more you tickle the more you'll win’

Nothing else could be more appropriate than this, to explain the state of the tabloid media. The MotherPie blog carried an article (august 06) in which the writer says of the media’s tabloid agenda - ‘we are subliminally being engaged at the level of our deepest needs - the need for safety and security. Stories that make us feel vulnerable (could this happen here, are we at risk?) get your attention at our most base level of instinct.’ This observation I believe is strikingly real. How else do we explain the fact that even 4 years later, almost a third of the Americans still believe that Saddam Husain was responsible for attacking them on September 11? How can Bush’s re-election be put in plain words?

It is very difficult to reach an authoritative conclusion – in favour of or in opposition to the tabloid media. On one hand I feel it is an impossible dream to expect private media organizations or even the commercial government media to be public service units in a consumerist world. But on the other hand the least a viewer can expect is truth and the right to information. A change in the news agenda to being more entertainment driven is comprehendible, but it is unacceptable when hard news is incorporated into an entertainment package. It is also totally detrimental to have a media that is propagandist and predisposed to governments. The media is the government’s watch dog not its pet dog!

The tabloid media unfortunately seems to be all of this and more. The point in time when the tabloids existed independently, but along side the qualities was better off than what we see today, where the gap between them is blurring. And with other unfavourable circumstances such as the advent of the internet and the plummeting demand for traditional media, the situation seems to be getting only worse.


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