Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Dog day out

China’s health ministry unthinkingly held the mass dog slaughter in the Guangdong province of the country as a measure for prevention of rabies. Almost 52,000 dogs were brutally stamped out without even making an allowance for other peaceful options like vaccination. What is more appalling is that none of them were even tested for rabies; all of them were killed outright. In another province an added 6000 were slaughtered in a similar manner. All this for 72 human lives!

Dogs were beaten to death and owners were paid 63 cents to get their pooch trampled. The government offices refused to answer calls from protestors who opposed this massacre. What is inexcusable is that the increase in rabies in the past few years was due to substandard vaccines given to dogs according to a study done by Animal rights activists. The dogs paid for the Chinese government’s wickedness.

Since this is China we are talking about, it is a waste of time trying to question the reasoning behind this monstrous act, but one wonders at the shocking arrogance of humanity and its total lack of respect for the other creatures that share this earth with us. I feel like perishing when I realize that in a matter of 5 to 10 years tigers will cease to exist. These abysmally low figures are again courtesy China! The fact that there are only 4000 wild tigers left on this planet is the biggest failure of human civilization.

Although India and the United states have healthier Animal rights policies than China, thousands of deers who infiltrate into cities are ruthlessly wiped out in America. Talk of infiltration into someone’s land! Especially when human beings have vanquished and destroyed the whole earth! The irony of this can take life. India is no better. Recall the bird flu incident?

One only hopes now, that the rest of the species doesn’t meet the terrible fate of the tiger. Or the dogs!


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